Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Ladies Who Lunch, Haul and Dina!

Wow allot in the title line but actually not much to write!

Friday was the monthly meeting of the Ladies Who Lunch and hosted by the lovely Anne who made a sumptuous lunch of home made lasagne with salad and fresh fruit with Limoncello specially made for me for dessert yummy! I haven't finished the project we did so I have nothing to show yet. The fabulous Moira from Happy Daze came over as unbeknown to me lives very close to Anne and kindly brought half her shop for us to look at, and a big shopping list from me! Ha! Here's my haul video on what I bought, and no I am not saying how much I spent!

Also I have finally gotten round to videoing what I made in the Dina Wakley workshop a few weeks ago!



flutterbycrafter said...

You got some fantastic stash Clare. Love your Dina books, they are gorgeous xx

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Clare, I missed that 1st Jill Penney stamp you showed, it's fab, I'd have liked that myself ;-) The books are gorgeous
Anne xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

oohhh dead bunnies not nice

videos much nicer than dead bunnies

Bob once ate a bunnie whole that he just caught - I htink I saw it kick as he swallowed and then two minutes later he threw it up - mangled...the worst thing was the heat coming off the corpse - Like two minutes dead but mushed


I have since trained him to only chase a ball

unfortunately no self respecting cat is ever going to be taught anything...

you had better prepare yourself for a 'silence of the bunnies' summer....


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