Saturday, 31 March 2012

Card time and house news

Well, you might be a bit shocked, but I can actually do cards! Don't all feint at once! I decided to have a play with my Indigoblu flitter glue and stamp that I used in the previous post on my journal page, but this time on a card. Using my favourite colour's and girlying it up with some hand made flowers. I think its purdy! I shall make it again for youtube with a different colour scheme, that is if I get chance before I move! Eeeeeeeee we have finally locked down the solicitors on both sides and should fingers crossed have the deeds signed sealed and crossed on Thursday, leaving me Easter weekend to move in! Cross all your fingers and toes for me!


sam21ski said...

Oooh nice one Clare, a date at last. Hope all goes well for you and you are happy in your new home.

Love the card by the way xxx

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...this is loVely Clare...beautiful colours and the florishes look amazing...Mel :)

Gillian .... said...

Tis very pretty Clare, like the vintage tones throughout, fingers crossed for Thursday.

patcrafts said...

Pretty card, love the flowers. Good luck with the move.

theoldesaltbox said...

The card turned out awesome Clare! (I voted for 3 flowers!)

Annette said...

Hope the move goes well. Liking the card very much.

olive said...

love this too.... I saw the flitter glue being demoed at NEC by Samuel Taylors, must invest in some. Good luck with the move, make sure you take your time to place everything where you want...... I'm still moving in. Have a great Easter.
PS going to journalling in May. xxxx

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