Saturday, 7 May 2011

Bad News

Unfortunately today Freddie ran in front of a car and was hurt very badly, He was rushed to the emergency vet but was put to sleep straight away due to his injuries.


Melissa Patton said...

Oh no Clare! I am so sorry. I just had to put my kitty to sleep so I know your pain. :( Hugs!

cheryl said...

oh gosh hun so sorry,about,your loss hun take care hugs cheryl xxxx

donnalouiserodgers said...

Clare, so sorry you have suffered such a horrid series of nasty incidents, big hugs my love,


patcrafts said...

Oh, that is so sad he was a lovely dog. xx

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Ah how sad Clare.
Anne x

olive said...

Clare.... I'm so sorry. At least he had a few months of great life and fun. hugs xx

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